Too much jogging not enough blogging...

Where exactly have the first four months of 2017 gone?! I can't quite believe we are in May  when I don't recall a single day of March (or January and February for that matter).  I know this is partly because of the chronic sleep deprivation gifted to me by our wonderful son; but, sadly, I think a general inability to firefight and 'get my shit together' might also be playing a big part...

The frenetic nature of every day life means that I am far too frequently forgetting birthdays, creating diary clashes and finding things in my fridge that belong in the bathroom.  It can also lead me to train lazily, meaning that training sessions are in danger of morphing into a 45-minute plod with no strength and conditioning elements to be found.  After a few weeks of this, I am starting to feel the effects in my (withering) glutes and dodgy knees.  

Anyway, in a bid to train much smarter, here's a quick leg workout to help reactivate the glutes and build up the legs!