Picture the familiar scene: you want to exercise today but trying to fit a gym session into an already hectic schedule is just too much of a stretch.  Then you reach your humble abode and you’re faced with the prospect of completing a full body workout in an already cramped space.  Suddenly, the desire to exercise can disappear swifter than the ever-elusive remote control.  

This is mind, over the next few blogs I am going to focus on routines that you can do in a space that is the size of your average exercise mat.  This vlog's full body conditioning programme, works on your quads, glutes, arms, shoulders and core. 

“It’s impossible to make your eyes twinkle if you aren’t feeling twinkly yourself.”

“It’s impossible to make your eyes twinkle if you aren’t feeling twinkly yourself.”

It’s Roald Dahl Day!  Brilliant!  If you also want some motivation to kick off your #transformationtuesday, just heed the words of Danny the Champion of the World:

“It’s impossible to make your eyes twinkle if you aren’t feeling twinkly yourself.” 

To help you to train, eat well and feel all twinkly today, here's a leg workout and yummy recipe to get you on the right track…

4 helpful tips for training in the first trimester: fitness in the face of prostration, puking and a persistent need to pee

4 helpful tips for training in the first trimester: fitness in the face of prostration, puking and a persistent need to pee

If you exercise regularly, it’s perfectly reasonable that you might scoff at the idea that something the size of a lime is going to change things. If you’re lucky, it may not.  

However, for the vast majority of us, the prospect of first trimester training is like asking a five-year old Benjamin Button to run a marathon after eating a bad prawn. Having just made it through the first 14 weeks with Number III, the tiredness, tummy troubles and umpteen toilet trips are recent enough that I feel qualified to talk about this (endlessly).


For healthy, happy, training - please, please, appease your knees...

For healthy, happy, training - please, please, appease your knees...

After a bit of time out, this week has been spent reacquainting myself with some awesome clients.  It’s been brilliant. Every session has started with a giddy catch up before the hard work puts chit-chat out of reach.

With all but one client, that is (you know who you are!).  Rather than her standard bounding towards me, she was hobbling over, manically shouting ‘Ni”.  

I felt like an extra in The Holy Grail.

Overcoming the woe of the training plateau

Overcoming the woe of the training plateau

Understanding why you have hit a plateau involves taking the time to question what you’re doing and how you’re doing it.  If someone has provided you with a programme to follow, you might feel pretty strongly that it’s their strategy that’s flawed, not you.  But before you rip it up and start again, my advice would be to go back to first principles and look at whether you’re overlooking some things that, if tweaked or more fully explained, might reignite your progress and start to make the programme make sense.